
HyperEVM is live.

  • Updated
  • Posted in Hyperliquid
  • 2 mins read

“Weekly update, @everyone Tech

+ The HyperEVM is live. Please see ⁠📢︱announcements⁠ regarding the EVM release on mainnet Product

+ BTC spot trading, deposits, and withdrawals are now live, thanks to Unit: https://hyperunit.xyz/https://x.com/hyperunit/status/1890437173738107107. Unit is the decentralized asset tokenization layer for all of finance, built exclusively on Hyperliquid. You can trade BTC here: https://app.hyperliquid.xyz/trade/0x8f254b963e8468305d409b33aa137c67

+ Miscellaneous UI improvements Trading

+ LAYER, IP, and OM perps were listed Teams Live on EVM

+ Purrsec (Parsec’s) explorer: https://x.com/parsec_finance/status/1891938492059398288

+ 0xPrince’s explorer: https://x.com/im0xPrince/status/1891741047341908085

+ Gas.zip’s explorer: https://x.com/gasdotzip/status/1891822061615480850

+ HypurrScan EVM RPC: https://x.com/hypurrscan/status/1891863348326679007

+ Goldsky indexer: https://x.com/goldskyio/status/1891904190965817464

+ Indexing Co tooling: https://x.com/indexingco/status/1891957633734541367

+ 0xikalgo’s frontend to toggle big/small blocks: https://x.com/0xikalgo/status/1891978908691468361

+ Hyperswap AMM: https://x.com/HyperSwapX/status/1891903088102912304

+ hl names: https://x.com/hlnames/status/1891830454732370141

+ Stork oracle: https://x.com/StorkOracle/status/1891917019806826653

Community Highlights

+ HypurrCo and Nansen co-hosted a community event in Singapore on Feb 12 where different ecosystem projects presented: https://x.com/hypurr_co/status/1889689557752504635. There are upcoming community events at Consensus HK (https://lu.ma/qu18gi5x) and ETH Denver (https://lu.ma/w0cinp8s) as well as a dodgeball tournament at ETH Denver (https://lu.ma/4k011viq)

+ HyperDash built a dashboard for Unit deposits and withdrawals, trading, etc.: https://unit.hyperdash.info/

+ SKYGG wrote about precompiles: https://x.com/SKYGG_Official/status/1889290936427192526

+ HL Fund, a platform for DAOs and community investments went live: https://x.com/hl_fund/status/1891433926477971684

+ HyperFly, an AI trading companion in closed beta, added new features: https://x.com/hyperflyai

+ Chainflip supports BTC deposits using Unit: https://x.com/Chainflip/status/1891885294967980143

+ Router supports Hyperliquid withdrawals: https://x.com/routerprotocol/status/1891907042568253566

+ Gas.zip supports bridging to the HyperEVM: https://x.com/gasdotzip/status/1891735778084134999

+ Hyperlane supports bridging to the HyperEVM: https://x.com/hyperlane/status/1892062408342110553

+ Okto added support for spot trading: https://x.com/okto_web3/status/1891422647277457605

+ For users who want to track teams building in the Hyperliquid ecosystem, you can use: https://www.hypurr.co/ecosystem-projects, https://hyperliquid.wiki/, https://data.asxn.xyz/dashboard/hyperliquid-ecosystem, https://x.com/SKYGG_Official/status/1885297011324575822

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